Welcome Exhibitors of Coal Ash Asia 2018! 

Exhibitions this year will cover a multitude of areas including: Equipment manufacturers, service providers, technology providers, research facilities and commercial enterprises.

Exhibitor Information:

Important Dates & Deadlines (Dates subject to change)

May 1st:  â€œEarly-Bird” Registration Ends : All Attendees MUST register on or before this date to take advantage of the lower registration fee.

August 1st: Exhibitor Form and Payment Due : Exhibit registration/payment must be received in order to be published in the CAA Agenda Book that is given to each attendee.

September 1st: Audio/Visual Equipment : Deadline for audio/visual equipment for exhibition booths. 


Booth Information

3M x 2M  exhibit booth includes:

  • One primary exhibitor registration (additional assistant registration must be purchased separately)
  • Company recognition on AsianCAA website with link to company home page
  • 8' backdrape
  • One 8' table with two chairs and wastebasket
  • Overnight security – AsianCAA is not responsible for lost or stolen items
  • Electrical power source is included in the price of the exhibit booth

Note: Monitors, projectors and additional audio/visual equipment must be arranged with conference organizers in advance. Please see deadline information. 

All exhibitors please print and  review the following documents:

Some of This Year's Sponsors and Exhibitors: